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000Webhost – Suspended For Violating 20%+ CPU Usage Limit For More Than 1000 Times. Please Upgrade To Our Premium UNLIMITED Hosting At Hosting24 To Get Your Account Reactivated

By KWS Adams Jul 21, 2016
Say no to free hosting

Are you hosting your website on the Free 000Wbhost hosting plan? Do you have a good number of posts? Or you are simply planning to get your free hosting with them? This is a post you shouldn’t miss out. Reading it will help you decide before you take or they take action. It happened, and yes it happened to my 2 months website which I have been hosting with 000webhost. My clients website was suspended without any notice and only to find out after logging into find out why I wasn’t getting any traffic.

Under the list of site was this “Suspended (Suspended for violating 20%+ CPU usage limit for more than 1000 times. Please upgrade to our premium UNLIMITED hosting at to get your account reactivated.)” on the site which was taken off. And why would I upgrade? Yes, answer me if you can? The fact is that I received no warning about this so called “20%+ CPU usage limit for more than 1000 times”. And I really wonder why I wasn’t alerted about this before it happened?

This website which was taken down had more than 500 posts and plans were under way to move it to a paid hosting plan (not for some reasons). The suspension means a total loss of time, energy and efforts by the owner input to build this up. Now that its gone and he is not willing to upgrade to, what do you think is next?

Suspended By 000webhost

Like what happened to my client, the same has happened to very many out there. Like always, free can never be free forever. Expecting such a thing to happen and staying on a safe side is one way to ensure that it doesn’t hurt you in any way. Below are some tips on how to stay ready for this just in case it happens if you are using any free hosting.

How to suspended for violating 20%+ CPU usage limit for more than 1000 times

1. Use a back up option so that every time you write a new article or make an update, you are guaranteed of its back up. And just in case this happens, you can transfer your contents automatically to another provider. If you are using WordPress, then try out those popular free auto back up plugins and you will be steady.

2. Always download your contents and save them on your computer. If you are using WordPress, use the inbuilt export tool to download your contents. This means that in case of anything like such a suspension, you will be able to upload your articles using the import tool and having your site up and running again with no hassles.

Just a point to note : If you are receiving very few traffic per day eg when you just set up your site, things may work out but as the sites goes viral and steady traffic starts to come in, the one thing you can do is to upgrade your site to a paid plan on any of your preferred hosting so as to avoid anything like this.

By KWS Adams

My name is KWS Adams . (Call me Kateregga). I am an IT addict who loves playing around with computers and internet. Computers help me try out different things while turning them into reality, while the internet powers me stay live online. Besides computers, I am a project planning and management professional with an Award obtained from MUK, one of the oldest and best Universities in Africa. Find me on Twitter, Facebook and Whatsapp. Find more on how to contact me using the contact me page.

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