When you run out of funds no matter where you are, or even on the go, accessing CenteMobile loans will help you going until you reach your destination. Being easy to access, supported on any mobile phone and helpful during emergencies, this self-service opt-in product allows Centenary bank customers access small loans quickly and instantly.
CenteMobile loan is a small-loans product which enables connected bank customers to instantly borrow cash ranging from Uganda shillings 5,000/= up to 2,000,000/= without the need of going through the traditional borrowing steps and requirements, something which makes it loved by everyone.
If you were wondering why you might want to try it out in addition to understanding the entire how it works, this post has some vital information that might be helpful towards helping you make a perfect choice in regard with the above subject matter. And if you have already verified PayPal with Centenary bank’s VISA card, access to this phone feature will help you lots.
What this post covers..
- How to register for cente mobile
- Key requirements to qualify for a micro loan
- Benefits of Cente mobile loans
- How to get a financial card
How to register for CenteMobile
In order to register for this service, you’ll need to visit any of the Centenary bank branches countrywide and open up a bank account. Since the service is linked to your personal bank account, obtaining such an account will be the very first step towards accessing an instant micro-loan. Once the service has been configured and activated on your account, you will be given a PIN which you will everytime you access *211# access code.
Key requirements to access CenteMobile loans
- A personal bank account
- Registered with CenteMobile application
- A financial card
- Agreeing to
- Accepting product terms and conditions
Note: In order to qualify for Centenary bank’s instant micro-loans, one must fulfill all of the above. All of the above are mandatory since one leads to another. Customers intending to make use of the feature must agree and adhere to the cente mobile loans terms and conditions which can be accessed at any bank branch, including within the application.
Benefits of Cente Mobile loans
- They are quick, easily accessible and instant.
- They range between Ugx 5,000/= to 2,000,000/=
- Can be repaid up to 30 days.
- Attract an interest of 5% per month only.
Note: There are very many other benefits associated with this product just like it is for those who use the online banking product. In times of emergencies be stranded on the road, in hospital, less with goods and services clearance, making use of this service will boost you with additional cash and timely.
How to get a Centenary bank financial card
- Visit your branch loans department.
- Fill in the financial card application form.
- Wait for your card to be issued (no. of waiting days may vary).
Note: You may be required to pay a financial card processing fee depending on how much they charge. Once it has been issued, you will be ready to get started and enjoying the best out of the service and even love it more.
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