A devastating fire which is believed to have begun during the night hours on Thursday 22 June 2017 gutted Salabed logistics and cargo offices / warehouse and the neighboring Maize / Cassava milling plants in Kisenyi business area destroying millions worth of imported warehoused goods and products manufactured by the milling industries located in the heart of Kampala Central.
According to the different sources at the fire scene, the cause of the fire outbreak is still not known with different people have different speculations among which include the on and off electricity which happened on Thursday affecting most parts around the Kampala central business.
From a close range view, one would indeed see Salabed warehouse blazing endlessly just like exactly what was happening to the maize milling industries all located in Kisenyi, before Ovino shopping mall as one heads from Nakivubo Stadium.
While Uganda police fire brigade and the staff of fire fighters tried their best to curb the fire where was some of the stalls, kiosks and merchandise worth millions housed in Salabed (Lontex cargo) seemed to have been lost.
Millions of goods and items are believed to have been lost not only in Salabed but too, inclusive of all other stores and maize milling factories goods as we all know that Kisenyi is a pure business place. More updates about this story will come soon. Take a look at some of the taken images at scene.
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