How Can I Transfer Google Adsense Unpaid Earnings To Another User / Account? [Answered]

How Can I Transfer Google Adsense Unpaid Earnings To Another User / Account? [Answered]

How to transfer Google Adsense unpaid earnings to another Adsense account, email address and or user is a question many people ask from time to time. And yes, a few days back, I received this very same question from one of my friends who wanted to know about the same. And just like her, I know many of you out there might be having the same question burning in your heads about how to transfer your earnings to others whether friends, family, relatives and so forth. That is why in this post, I am sharing with you some information you might find helpful with regard to this same issue.

Firstly, one should know that Google Adsense is not like PayPal or another payment processor well as they pay members directly to their bank accounts through EFT, or through Western Union, or through Checks, and other alternatives depending on what the member chose as a payment option. And while there is a user interface / dashboard where one can be able to see earnings for a given time frame including today, yesterday, the past week, this month, previous months and so forth, the answer and fact is that one can not be able to transfer Google Adsense unpaid earnings to another account or user.

When I received the same question from a friend, I took time to search about the possibility and guess what, all I found was almost the same. Many other had asked this same question on the different question and answer sites and forums including the Official Adsense forum but all returning almost a similar answer but with alternative options like you can see below.

According to what I found, it is impossible for such a transfer to happen well as it is possible to switch an Adsense email address to another user provided you follow the steps and procedures to do s0, for example, adding another email address on your account and so forth.

When you read this post from Adsense Forum, you will find that it is not possible to transfer earnings to another user. And if you are simply tired, have made your mind, and or want to hold using Adsense, other alternatives which Google offers is closing your account, where you will be paid all of your unpaid earnings in 90 days from the day you initiate the closure, and only if your earnings reach the minimum account closure threshold.

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