How To Prevent Ad Click Bombs On WordPress Using These 5 Ways

Do you own a website or blog? Do you have Google Adsense Ads installed? Does your site run on WordPress content management system? Do you experience Ads Click Bombings from time to time? Does your blog get spammed at all times inform of comments? Do hackers constantly attempt to log onto your site? Or you have any other related problem?

Regardless of whatever your problem may be, reading this article entirely will help you find some best solutions which when used might be of benefit to you and or your friend who owns a web page and might have been going through the above.

The internet is full of so many people who do different things. And just like it happens in the offline world where many would want to make use of what others did in order to gain, having jealousy on others accomplishments, not wanting others to be successful, just there to cause trouble and see others falling, the same happens on the world wide web.

Many people would die to see others failing and which is why they chose to involve into trouble actions like hacking, spamming and click bombing among others. The jealous of seeing one having a working website which brings in money say from Google Adsense or even a site having a higher page rank among others can be a starting hate point and which can make one to do either of the above.

However, you shouldn’t get worried since for every bad, there is a good thing and so to these kind of acts. Below are some of the ways you can protect your WordPress site from all of the above.

Install Click Fraud Monitoring Plugin – whether you are running Google Adsense Ads, Media.Net Ads or any others, the Click fraud monitor plugin will do a great job for you. Being offered in a Premium version, you can at least limit and control how people click on your ads. You can set the number of times a user is allowed to touch your ads in a given period of time after which the user will be blocked automatically.

This is done by adding the div class as a wrapper on your Ad codes for example the one you see below and then setting how you want it to be.

<div class="cfmonitor">ADSENSE CODE HERE</div>

Install Security Plugins With IP Block Feature – Telling you to do this in your Hosting control panel may look tiresome while doing it in your WP Admin back-end may be easier. You can install a plugins like WP-Security, BulletProof Security, All In One WP Security & Firewall and others on your site. Configure them to your needs for example to Block any IP which does A, B, or C on your pages say sending multiple requests. This includes hackers and all readers who misuse your site.

Use Akismet – This plugin is good for Spam prevention. Once you install it, all of your comments will be scanned and those known will be spammed automatically.

Monitor Your Site Frequently – Without having access to your site traffic, this can’t be possible. You will need a simple option like Statcounter since it helps you get real time stats on your visitors, their exist link activity and so much. This will help you know what happens and which visitor does A, B or C.

Report Any Violations To Google – If you use Adsense and see any invalid or malicious activity like Adsense Click Bombing, you can always use the Violation Report Form and notify Google before they get you.

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