How We Will Date in the Future

Dating in the future Dating sites promise to instantly bring men together with hot Ukrainian brides or other women who are their “destiny”. Sometimes people find each other on dating sites, sometimes they don’t. And since the algorithms of dating sites become more correct than ever, they will be able to find out who we are and with whom we go on dates. Famous dating sites will be in the past very soon. So, let’s imagine how dating sites will look in the nearest future.

Identification of personality

The most popular dating services ask users to write voluminous “essays”, as well as fill in profiles. Based on the entered data, a site selects a couple for a user. Such profiles are informative, however, their filling takes a long time. In the future, applications like Tinder are likely to be able to talk in detail about the properties of a person and the existing [[[lifestyle]]] of users through the analysis of activity in social networks. Researchers already believe that they can judge the state of a person by his or her behavior online: by photos on Instagram, by check-ins on Foursquare, by tweets on Tweeter, and by “likes” on Facebook.

Revelation of character traits

Many character traits are almost impossible to recognize. As a rule, we don’t follow our Facebook profile as diligently as we do on a page on a dating site. Perhaps, therefore, Facebook data will be more correct than the results of a voluntary questionnaire. But every time we receive the results of such studies, we understand that we talk about ourselves much more than we realize. Perhaps, we are silent about our preferences, filling in profiles. But our actions speak about many things. According to “likes” of Facebook, we can more accurately determine whether we get along with each other. On dating sites, people show themselves in a more favorable light, that is, unrealistic.

Detection of incompatible people

Also, social networking data can be used to motivate users to remain honest when creating a profile. It can be interesting if a dating site checks users when filling in personal information. A site could send the notification: “We studied your likes and came to the conclusion that, perhaps, you drink alcohol. Are we sure?” The most popular dating sites could even warn a user about a possible distortion of the facts. Based on the data on the actions, dating sites could mark the suspicious profiles with red flags and thereby, warn people about the possible danger. Very soon, dating sites may be able to independently identify people with different views on life and things by their activity in social networks and block pages of suspicious personalities. But it is also possible to block users who are supposedly unsuitable for a relationship. For example, one popular dating site rejects candidates who have been married more than four times, as well as those whose profiles indicate a propensity for ableism.

Algorithm of preferences

Analytic algorithms of dating services are constantly being improved in the study of personal characteristics of users and their preferences, without asking unnecessary questions. Some applications already use these patterns, analyzing whom you “swipe” to the right and whom – to the left. As the algorithms improve, they will need the data not only of those users whose photo we like but also those to whom we feel the attraction in real life. By the way, none of the [[[dating]]] applications ask users for information about the results of dates. But very soon, dating sites will be able to use our geolocation to see who we went on a date with, how long it lasted, and whether people felt in love.

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