MoneyGram money transfer allows you to send and receive money conveniently through their approximately 350,000 agent locations around the world. Using the services also allows the recipient to pay for goods, services, and utility bills like electricity, water, and digital TV subscription, medical purposes, buy airtime and internet bundles/data packages directly, or even use the money in other developmental projects as one wishes.
MoneyGram money transfer is a service and product of MoneyGram, an international service provider known for offering the best money transfer and bill payment services with over 350,000 agent locations in over 200 countries worldwide. Wait, did you know about today’s Sendwave exchange rate?
Additionally, you can send money directly to one’s bank accounts in more than 400 banks around the world, in addition to the service to M-Pesa accounts for those in Kenya, Tanzania, and Romania as well as Econet in Zimbabwe.
If you were wondering about the current (updated) MoneyGram money transfer rates in 2023 for your country as listed in the table below, all you need is to keep reading this post.
List of countries supported by MoneyGram 2020
Afghanistan | Dominican Republic | Lithuania | Saint Barthelemy |
Albania | East Timor | Luxembourg | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Algeria | Ecuador | Macau | Saint Lucia |
American Samoa | Egypt | Macedonia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Andorra | El Salvador | Madagascar | Samoa |
Angola | Equatorial Guinea | Malawi | Sao Tome and Principe |
Anguilla | Eritrea | Malaysia | Saudi Arabia |
Antigua and Barbuda | Estonia | Maldives | Senegal |
Argentina | Ethiopia | Mali | Serbia |
Aruba | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | Malta | Seychelles |
Australia | Fiji | Marshall Islands | Sierra Leone |
Austria | Finland | Martinique | Singapore |
Azerbaijan | France | Mauritania | Slovakia |
Bahrain | French Guiana | Mauritius | Slovenia |
Bangladesh | French Polynesia | Mayotte | Solomon Islands |
Barbados | Gabon | Mexico | Somalia (Somaliland) |
Belarus | Gambia | Micronesia | South Africa |
Belgium | Georgia | Moldova | Spain |
Belize | Germany | Monaco | Sri Lanka |
Benin | Ghana | Mongolia | St. Maarten |
Bermuda | Gibraltar | Montenegro | St. Martin |
Bhutan | Greece | Montserrat | Suriname |
Bolivia | Grenada | Morocco | Sweden |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guadeloupe | Mozambique | Switzerland |
Botswana | Guam | Myanmar | Taiwan |
Brazil | Guatemala | Namibia | Tajikistan |
British Virgin Islands | Guinea | Nauru | Tanzania |
Brunei Darussalam | Guinea-Bissau | Nepal | Thailand |
Bulgaria | Guyana | Netherlands | Togo |
Burkina Faso | Haiti | New Zealand | Tonga |
Burundi | Honduras | New Caledonia | Trinidad and Tobago |
Cambodia | Hong Kong | Nicaragua | Tunisia |
Cameroon | Hungary | Niger | Turkey |
Canada | Iceland | Nigeria | Turkmenistan |
Cape Verde | India | Niue | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Central African Republic | Indonesia | Northern Mariana Islands | Tuvalu |
Chad | Iraq | Norway | Uganda |
Chile | Ireland | Oman | Ukraine |
China | Israel | Pakistan | United Arab Emirates |
Colombia | Italy | Palau | United Kingdom |
Comoros | Ivory Coast | Panama | United States |
Congo, Democratic Republic | Jamaica | Paraguay | Uruguay |
Congo-Brazzaville | Japan | Papua New Guinea | Uzbekistan |
Cook Islands | Jordan | Peru | Vanuatu |
Costa Rica | Kazakhstan | Philippines | Venezuela |
Croatia | Kenya | Poland | Vietnam |
Cuba | Kiribati | Portugal | Virgin Islands (US) |
Curacao | Korea | Puerto Rico | Zambia |
Cyprus | Kosovo | Reunion Island | Zimbabwe |
Cyprus ( Northern ) | Kuwait | Qatar | Kryghyz-Republic |
Czech Republic | Latvia | Romania | Laos |
Denmark | Lesotho | Russia | Lebanon |
Djibouti | Liechtenstein | Rwanda | Liberia |
Dominica |
MoneyGram Money transfer rates 2023
MoneyGram money transfer fees vary depending on the amount one is sending, the recipient location and the mode of payment one uses. For example, sending online by credit card may attract a different charge when compared with sending via an agent and etc.
In order to find out how much you are likely to be charged in fees, you might consider trying the following using the MoneyGram sending fees online calculator.
- Visit here
- Chose the mode of sending i.e online or from a location.
- Select the receiver country eg Uganda and click Next.
- Enter the amount you are sending or the amount you want one to receive e.g $100
- You will see the estimate of how much one will send/receive.
- Click Get Total
On the next page, you will see the fees you are likely to pay plus the total amount depending on the option you are paying with. You can as well contact the MG agent near you and ask for a fee chart.
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