How To Read Labels On Organic Food


Healthy lifestyle and healthy eating specify direction of modern society development. It makes it to where the companies, which are interested in production of natural products, greatly cede their more useful competitors. As a result, many producers ask for non-conventional manners so their products were looked healthier than it is in reality.

Their inventive marketing resulted in a great mix-up among organic labels. Let us look through some of the main organic markings of [[[foods]]] and see what companies organize their production to have every right to get them. Organic products, as a rule, have a higher price than their non-natural analogies so you should assure yourself, we get what we reckon on.

General organic markings

Any product marked with organic signs was produced or risen in accordance with state standards, which is why the product itself and methods of its production are controlled by corresponding structures.

In order to cultivate organic foods in accordance with state standards, the following is forbidden to be used: [[[pesticides]]], synthetic fertilizer, wastewater and others. Animals used for organic foods, for example beef, pork, poultry, should not be getting antibiotics and stimulators of growth.

Only products marked as organic follow these standards. Other doubtful certificates as for example “100% natural” are not controlled.

All the organic products are divided into three types

1. Contains organic ingredients means a product, which 70% contains of organic components. All the other non-organic substances also go through careful checking (for example, GMO-contained are forbidden).
2. Organic product means that the product can be called organic with some turns. For example, in organic sausage non-organic cover is used. Such indulgences are possible when a non-organic component has no organic alternative. 95% of ingredients is comprised of organic origin.
3. 100% organic product means that the product is completely organic.

Organic milk

Requirements to receiving organic marking on [[[dairy products]]] are connected directly with conditions where cows are held and give milk for production. Cows should go to grass 120 days a year. Food for cows should be vegetarian and do not contain ingredients of animal origin. Antibiotics and growth stimulators are not allowed to be used.

Some cows do get hormones. So, the consumer knew a product from what cow s/he consumes, a milk, which does not contain any hormones, marked with special “hormone-free” sign. A purchase of such a product will become the best variant for you.

Producers of the poultry very often use useless markings we fall for. There are free range, all natural, organic and pasture raised.

Organic eggs

Organic product means that laying hens are kept not in a cage but in a big barn. They can go out but there is no rules dictating how much time the hens are to spend on fresh air. Free range meaning that there is no limited time as of how much of it they should spend on fresh air. Cage free means that hens are not in cages but live inside without any access to go outside the street. There is also certified humane, which means that hens do not live in the cages but still under lock and key. Forced change of coat is allowed. Animal welfare approved is the best option. It means that animals are not kept in the cages and are able to go outside on a free basis.

1. There are three types of real marking only, which certify organic meat. Organic product means that animals go to the grass at least 120 days a year and do not get antibiotics.
2. A stomach of most animals is adapted for digesting vegetable food and all the rest food is hardly to be digested by them. Grass fed means that this meat product us more useful and more natural.
3. 100% grass fed means that an animals had an unlimited access to the pasture and received natural nutrition.

Be careful reading labels and do not get in a trouble for your health sake, for your wallet`s safety and so you were sure about animals wellness.

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