Routing your internet phone number requires the use of the different SIP Providers since they act as gateways. If you have been following my previous posts about getting a free US phone number which can be used on either your computer or phone, you must have read about SIP providers since they are required to route your phone number in order for it to start receiving calls on your device like you see here.
And for that, I will share with you some SIP providers which allow you to route your free IPKall phone number so as to start making use of your free phone number and below they are.
1. Antisip
2. Sip2Sip
4. NonohSip
5. EkigaSip
And many more others to try out. You can find them by visiting your popular search engine and searching for free SIP Providers. All of the above do offer you free routing to connect your phone number. You can use on PC and on mobile through an application.
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