What Is The Fastest Way / Home Remedy To Rehydrate Toddlers And Children Under 5?

rehydrate toddlers

Fever, vomiting and diarrhea are common causes of dehydration in both toddlers and children under 5. And yes, this is a very big concern for parents with a worry of what may come next if such a situation continues. Like you see the title of this question, it was “Jane” who sent me an email trying to seek guidance and help about her 3 years old daughter was heavily vomiting. Jane asked me to share tell what was the fastest way, and home remedy to rehydrate her baby so she could get rid of the worries.

Personally, I am not a medical and or any of a related profession. But because of my urge to learn and seek information, I used the internet, read very many articles about those easy and fast free ways to rehydrate toddlers and children under 5, and was able to get back to her within only 30 minutes. But guess what, the home remedy I recommended seemed to have helped Jane’s daughter to regain after some few days like she shared in her thanks email message to me.

Disclaimer: This post including links and content is for informational purposes only. In no way does it replace a professional advise. If your toddler or child is dehydrated, you are advised to seek professional advise. Please refer to our disclaimers page using the page links on Top of this post for more details with regard.

What is the fastest home remedy way to rehydrate toddlers / children

From experience as a father, I have encountered this on so many times. I remember when my now 10 year old daughter dehydrated serious after falling sick with malaria, diarrhea and vomiting. First I was very scared about this (yes, you should be) but laterwards after reaching the doctor, we were advised not to worry but instead increase on the Fluids intake for our toddler. Yes, giving your child a lot of fluids is one way to do rehydration.

Such fluids can be homemade orals [http://rehydrate.org/solutions/homemade.htm] which you can do by mixing salt and sugar in purely boiled but cold water. You can give your children this from time to time while at the same time giving your child other fresh fluids drinks like those rich in starches, sugars, glucose, energy, sodium, potassium, breast milk, mixtures of cooked cereals and water, carrot Soup, rice water, weak tea and green coconut water.

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