Kindle Publishing For Blogs – A Way To Earn Thousand Dollars From Your Blog

Ever heard of Kindle Publishing For Blogs? Do you own a website and looking for a way to triple your earnings as many times when compared to your current earnings? Have you ever thought of the opportunity to earn between $1000 to more than 4000 in any given time from your blog or site? If you are one who would want to monetize your blog to its maximum while enjoying as many benefits of Blogging like the famous Bloggers you have ever heard out there, then you should go on and read this post entirely.

I know it that just like me, a lot of Bloggers out there are constantly looking for those ways which they can use to earn maximum from their blogging careers although the bigger question remains – how and where to do it from. You are lucky that you have a Blog and that you have landed on this post since I will try to take you through the process of making the money you ever wanted using Amazon Kindle Publishing For Blogs.

Please don’t rush and nor jump to register before completing this article since you might end up missing something and having to come back here to get it in full. Its always a good idea for you to know what you should do before attempting to do it and below we go. Please note that Amazon Kindle Publishing For Blogs is currently available for Blog and Website owners who are currently living in the US and the UK.

Image courtesy of scottchan /

1. Start by visiting

2. Create an account and heard to add your Blog.

3. Add your blog feed URL for example and or just add your main URL eg and let the feed fetch be done automatically.

4. Add all other information including the Blog name, the tag, the description, the category it falls, the keywords and hit save.

5. Select preview Blog and hit publish when confirmed.

6. On the next page, fill in your Account details including name and address plus your tax or social security details.

7. Add your payment information, check box to accept terms and continue.

The End Result ===== What You Get

Your Blog will be available to Kindle readers on the go and you will get paid whenever people subscribe to read your Blog on kindle. As you may know, Kindle is one way which is used by so many people on the go and adding your Blog which has the contents many are interested in means earning more than you can think.

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