If you use PayPal regardless of whether you have funds on your account or not, and or having your credit card information linked on your account, this PayPal phishing scam and fraudulent email alert post is one of those articles you shouldn’t avoid And yes, many people including me have received this message already “You just need to confirm your billing address”, while those who haven’t yet may be the next target – no one knows.
It could be you, your friend or even a relative whom you can help by reading this out since it will help you get exposed to some fact about the ongoing PayPal phishing and scam email messages about the “You just need to confirm your billing address”. The fact is that this email is not real, assuming you take your time to review this while message, you will instantly find out that all the information is fake.
You can tell from right the email sender which purports as being from PayPal Services, and which is fake basing on the email sender or from email address “[email protected]”. Additionally, PayPal addresses their members by the First name. And if you are a PayPal user, you can tell and confirm this, and which isn’t the same on this phishing email.
Like you see in the above screenshot, you need to be aware of the fact that many people have fallen victims already of their financial and banking information being stolen. And for that, you wouldn’t want to be next. That is the reason you should read and share this post. You can as well read more and see what makes it scam other than being genuine.
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