These 6 Pays You Cash To Test Websites

test websites
Image: PIRO4D /Pixabay

Paid to test websites which is also known as Usability Testing is one way which many people have proved to be worth trying due to the gains received by many of those who are already using the alternative to make money online.

Website testing is taken as a part-time job opportunity to many while others take it to be a full time job to an extent that its where a living can be made just like it happens on many other known work online and at home opportunities which are available across the internet.

To become a Tester, you are required to fulfill the requirements of the service provider or the company which you are going to work for among which include having a ffast internet speed connection on your computer in addition to having knowledge of how to surf the internet.

There are very many companies and providers out there who are willing to hire you specially for that in that most of them require you to download their simple software, install or run it on your computer and every time you connect to the internet while surfing as recommended, the software records the data which it forwards to their providers main computers and later to the clients while you earn money for that and through other ways provided.

In the next coming lines, you will discover some of those sites which pays you to be a website/usability tester and imagine, having the option by some providers to do the tests on your mobile device provided its supported and below is the list.


Test websites, give feed back and earn money for the time you spend.


You get paid to test websites and you can find additional info on their website.


Test the performance of the different other website and get paid for that cash.

User Testing

When you join, you are paid on 10 – 20 minute intervals where you earn$10 for website tests and up to $15 per Mobile test.


Participate in the online usability testing and earn money per website tested.

User Feel

You are paid to test the performance, speed, usability and others of the different sites.

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