List of NUP MPs Who Took 40m Appreciation Token But Refused to Return It Back

NUP MPs Who Took 40m

Who are the NUP MPs who took the 40 million shillings “appreciation token”, but refused to return back the money as was instructed by NUP leadership?

The 40 million Uganda money that members of the Parliament received has turned into a hot debate mostly on the social media channels. Many say that the MPs should return the money while others say that they shouldn’t.

But again, if the money was given to all MPs regardless of their political parties, why is it that NUP MPs seem to be the target? Could it be due to the National Unity Platform Statement that ordered for the return of the said “bribe”?

NUP Statement About The 40m

On Saturday 11th June, 2022, several Members of Parliament belonging to the National Unity Platform reached out to the Party leadership asking about our position on Uganda Shillings 40 Million, that was being given out to each Member of Parliament.We immediately set out to establish the truth. It turned out that NRM Members were receiving this money in cash from Parliament, while opposition and independent MPs were receiving it from the home of Ms. Anita Among- the Speaker of Parliament! The Members were being told that the money was a token of appreciation, while others were told the money was meant to supplement their income in the tough economic situation in the country. It should have been obvious to everyone that the money was both illegal and immoral, given that it was being given out in cash without any clear explanation about its source and purpose. Some Members were being told to go with boda-bodas or cars not belonging to them in order to disguise themselves! We appreciate the Members who immediately realised this trap and refused to partake of it.The National Unity Platform condemns this open day corruption in the strongest terms possible. How can public funds be handled in this manner? A quick summation of these funds shows that the regime is spending over 20 billion shillings on this illegal, immoral and corrupt venture. This is going on at a time when the citizens of Uganda are grappling with skyrocketing commodity prices and an extremely tough economic situation. Gen. Museveni and his kleptocratic regime are not bothered about what ordinary Ugandans are going through as long as they are comfortably spending tax-payers’ money for their own benefit.We established that a few NUP MPs had unfortunately picked this money, since everyone else was picking it. The Party convened an emergency caucus meeting yesterday and resolved that Members belonging to NUP who had picked the money return it immediately because it was clearly a bribe.Thank you!

National Unity Platform

Be on social media or even on the NUP website, there is no list of those MPs who are said to have taken the money. Maybe the list should be published so all can get to know who took it but defied to return it back.

But still, what are other parties including the FDC, NRM, DP, etc saying about this? Maybe the money was legitimately given to serve a purpose or etc public or personal business? Me I don’t know.

Social Media Reactions on the 40 million appreciation token

Twitter User NUP MPs reactions

Who knows? Over to you as we wait for that list of all MPs.

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