Certify Birth Certificate

How To Certify Birth Certificate In Uganda

Certify Birth Certificate

This tutorial is about how to certify a birth certificate in Uganda. It involves the different steps, procedures and requirements you should accomplish in order to get your true certified copy of the original, and which usually is a photocopy of your original document but well stamped and signed with a fresh Registrar’s signature.

Certified copies of birth certificates and other documents like academic transcripts are sometimes mandatory to be presented to the different offices both internally and or externally in a specific country where one is currently living for one reason or the other for example when trying to get a new nationality after having passed all of the first requirements.

And depending on why exactly you need the certified true copy of the original, the very first thing you need to know, and or to be with is the legitimate birth certificate and which in Uganda is issued by the Uganda Registration Services Bureau, the same body which handles the certifications. And for that, if you don’t currently own one, you need to process it so as to be in position of getting its true copy of the original certified.

Just like how the birth certificate certifying process is done in countries, states, Counties and cities like in Australia, UK, Canada, Texas, California, Florida, Illinois, Georgia, Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Kenya, Arkansas, Rwanda, Alameda county, Alabama vital records, Alaska, Austin Texas, Atlanta, Tanzania, Burundi, Sudan, Colorado, Cleveland ohio, Chicago and others through their government bodies, also in Uganda is the same since its the work of URSB to cater for the above.

What happens is that you get a photocopy of your true copy, make a payment in the bank of your choice assuming you can visit the URA.GO.UG web portal and register your search and certification payment registration number or PRN. And all, you simply head to URSB offices and have an assessment issued which you can take to a bank like DTB.

You should note that if its a foreign national birth certificate, the costs will different from a Ugandan national. After making the payment, you should present your papers to URSB where you will be told when to pick your certified copies and everything will be done.

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