
[Solved] How To Automatically Leave Multiple / All Facebook Groups At Once


Leaving Facebook groups can turn hectic more especially if you have joined so many of them or even having been forcefully added to multiple groups by your friends against your will. Yes, the default process of leaving is to do it on one by one by way of accessing the group info and scrolling down to leave group. A few days back, I was surprised to see more than 1000+ notifications when I logged in to my Facebook account, where the majority (800+) were from those groups which I never joined willingly. I felt bad and wanted to leave from all at once and automatically but the default feature wasn’t supportive.

I know that many of you have been added to so many FB-Groups against your will but find it harder to leave right? This is due to the complications and procedures involved where you need to access each group individually, going to info, to leave and confirming.

That’s time consuming let’s agree. And its for that same reason why one needs to learn and or find out how to leave from multiple groups on FB at once just like I did. My passion is to explore and share the fact findings, and I am sharing with you how to go about the above.

Procedures and Steps to follow to leave-multiple Facebook groups at once.

The Automatic way – You will need to be a Google Chrome browser user. If you don’t have one, the download and install it free on your computer. Once you have it up and running, download the FBG-Leave all at once extension here https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/facebook-groups-leave-all/cnnhgcmkkhdcjmfolbdoifjlepiolbmb?hl=en and install it. You can either select all or one by one as per your requirement. Confirm and the extension will do the execution.

The Manual way – Using your native browser or cell phone, head on to any FB-Group of your choice, click on info, scroll down to leave and confirm. You should repeat this on every individual GP.

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