How To Bypass FRP

How To Bypass Tecno Spark 2 KA7 FRP Using NCK Dongle

How To Bypass FRP

You can easily remove Tecno Spark 2 FRP (factory reset protection) for KA7 using NCK Dongle, one of the mobile software tools on the market with lots of features. I have personally this same tool and found the working in addition to being very simple to work-around with.

For whatsoever reason you may be having, using NCK Dongle as shown in procedures below will help you bypass (skip) your Tecno Spark 2 KA7 using frp files within only a few minutes. At the end of it all, you will have your phone working again this making use of its features including Whatsapp, Internet, Imo, Facebook and etc.

In this guide, we look at how to skip Tecno Pop 2 (B1 & BP1) FRP using DA file (Download agent files) which can be obtained from many sites on the internet. See full guide and requirements below.

Requirements for the above

  • Internet access to download files online
  • Computer with USB data cable
  • NCK dongle
  • MediaTek USB, VCOM and CDC android drivers

How to remove Tecno Spark 2 KA7 Frp

Download Tecno Spark 2 KA7 DA files

Visit Google and search for “FRP DA file” phone model). You will see a list of sites where you can get one matching the model in this tutorial. Save file and extract it on your desktop or flash.

Download MTK android drivers

Download MTK drivers online. These are free to download and takes less than a few minutes to have them on your computer. Extract the downloaded drivers and install them on your computer.

Get NCK Dongle

You can buy NCK Dongle pro or even use the free NCK  (c r a c k) downloads online which requires no dongle/box in order to work. Install NCK dongle software on your PC and open it.

Select DA file

On NCK menu, “click settings >> tick custom loader checkbox >> click select custom loader to select downloaded Tecno Spark 2 KA7 DA file”.

Select Flash mode

On NCK dongle, “click unlocking >> check box for Flashing mode”.

Click Reset FRP

Click on “Service >> Reset FRP >> Execute”.

Connect Tecno Pop 2 to Computer

Turn off your phone, connect USB data cable to PC and insert it the cable on the phone. NCK dongle should detect the mobile and operation will start. You should see notification of “FRP Reset” at the end of it.

Wait until your phone starts charging, unplug it off the computer and restart it. That is all. Go through through all initial device start process until you reach home screen.

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