NIRA Birth Certificate Registration Form 3 [Download Preview]

NIRA Form 3 Download Preview

NIRA is the government body which takes on the Birth Certificate issuing and registration in Uganda. Known as the Uganda National Identification Registration Authority, it is the same body which is responsible for the National ID registration and issuance to qualifying citizens of Uganda, and which means that in order to get either a death or birth certificate or a national ID, you should provide them with all the required details.

Before, this was the work of the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) until when NIRA took over the above ever since the country introduced the National ID’s. If you are in need of a bithy certificate, it is mandatory that you obtain a short BC which you should present to NIRA offices together with the fully filled Form 3 you can obtain from their offices, and or download from online just like you can see the preview in this post.

This downloaded NIRA form 3 (regulation 8(1)) has many options to fill which include but not limited to the following below..

NIRA Form 3 front preview

Download NIRA Birth Certificate Form 3

NIRA Form 3 back preview

Download NIRA Birth Certificate Form 3 Back

Like you see in the above screenshots, you need to fill that form with every requested detail and attach your short BC and submit the form to NIRA offices. Please note, the above form can’t be downloaded and used from here, it is for informational purposes only so that you can know what you need.

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