Here is how to transfer motor vehicle change of ownership in Uganda through the Ministry of Works and Transport (MoWT) licensing office. Find out how long the process takes, associated transfer fees, required documents, and how to generate the car transfer forms.
If you just sold off your motor vehicle, and or bought a brand new or used car in Uganda, and wondering how to go about the vehicle transfer process, this post will help you out. Whether the registered vehicle owner as per the logbook is available, or untraceable, I will show you how to become the legitimate owner by change of ownership.
What is a motor vehicle change of Ownership?
A motor vehicle change of ownership refers to the transfer of a car from the current registered owner to the new owner aka buyer. The process involves generating the vehicle transfer forms, signing the application, attaching the ID of both the buyer and seller, and submitting the documents to the licensing section, the Ministry of Works and Transport by either the seller, buyer, or a representative who has the Powers of Attorney (POA).
How long does it take to transfer car ownership in Uganda?
According to MoWT, it takes 1-3 working days for the vehicle transfer to be approved assuming the registered owner as per the logbook is available to generate the change of ownership application for vehicles that are already on the system.
In cases where the current registered owner is missing, untraceable, dead, completely;y refuses, or unable to provide the car registration forms for transfer, then the longer it takes varies. For forced transfers, it can be anywhere between 2-3 weeks upon submission of all relevant documents, and anywhere between 1-3 months for manual transfers.
Whether you want to perform an absentee motor vehicle transfer (with no trace of the current owner), and or a direct transfer when the owner is around or is in touch with you, follow the instructions below to instantly do a vehicle transfer of ownership in Uganda.
As a legal requirement, one is supposed to do the transfer of ownership upon selling / buying the vehicle. This helps in easy management of anything else to do with the said vehicle using the rightful owner. In situations where both the seller and or the buyer are stranded not knowing what to do next, this guide helps you to do it by yourself and instantly.
Motor Vehicle transfer fees 2022 MoWT
- Small cars, Sedans, Station Wagons, and Pickups: 84,000/=
- Commercial vehicles: 104,000/=
- Advance Income Tax: Varies
- inspection fees: 12,000/=
- Alteration fees: 20,000/= per item
Requirements for vehicle transfer (both direct and absentee transfer)
- Active TIN Number
- Signed transfer forms by both parties (court order, news advert, affidavit in case current owner is untraceable).
- Copy of original logbook (police report and news advert if lost)
- Proof of payment of transfer fees (duplicate logbook fees if lost).
- Motor vehicle inspection form and payment proof for absentee transfer
- Physical identification of new owner for an absentee transfer
- Identity card photocopies of both or new owner in case of absentee transfer
- Police report, police ballistic report, and all of above in case all number plates were lost
The Absentee motor vehicle transfer process with MoWT.
The Ministry of Works and Transport has a set of rules and procedures, which must be fulfilled in order for a motor vehicle absentee transfer to happen. By Absentee transfer, I am referring to that transfer which occurs when the person in the logbook aka registered owner is not traceable, meaning that he or she or they can’t sign for your the transfer forms.
Instructions for a motor vehicle absentee transfer in Uganda
- With the original logbook available, place a newspaper advert calling for the transfer of the said vehicle.
- With logbook lost, place a newspaper advert of lost and transfer calls
- Do a vehicle search and certification of particulars and get a report.
- Report to police the loss logbook and get police to whom
- Wait for 14 days after the news advert is out and go to court to process an affidavit and court order.
- Take your vehicle for inspection at MoWT offices.
- Make payments for inspection, transfer and or duplicate logbook in case it was reported as lost.
- Present yourself to Nakawa licensing office for physical identification and submit all the above documents.
You will be told when to check on and you should so as to know what is next. If your way in the new logbook type, it will be automatically added to your TIN once the application is approved. And if it was the old logbook type, you will be required to validate the vehicle particulars into your TIN and print the logbook after. Refer here for more details about the absentee transfer.
The Direct motor vehicle transfer process with MoWT.
- Current owner logs into his or her TIN number at the URA web portal.
- Goes to Motor Vehicle and clicks on Application.
- Clicks Change of ownership
- Fills in all details
- Enters New owners TIN number
- Selects attachment as an available eg logbook, transfer forms, and identification.
- Registers a payment and submits the form online.
- A printable area comes and the whole form plus bank payment slips must be printed.
- Signs of the form as transferer and new owners signs under transferee.
- Pays transfer fees to the selected bank
Either party submits the application form together with all attachments as selected to MoWT licensing Nakawa. After two to three working days, the application will be rejected or approved. Once approved, new owners can print logbooks from their TIN or collect it from Nakawa offices.
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