Download UPF MOBI App: Check Vehicle EPS Traffic Tickets, Report Crime, View Missing Persons, Lost & Found Items & Nearby Police Stations

UPF Mobi app

Do you want to instantly check motor vehicle Police EPS traffic tickets? Let me introduce to you the UPF MOBI, the Uganda Police Mobile App, a smartphone application that is specifically designed to help one perform up to 5 major functions the police has to offer the public.

Using the new upgraded UPF MOBI App, you are able to do the following below right from your mobile phone from anywhere thus indicating an instant express service.

What you can do with UPF Mobi

  • Report crime
  • See Lost and found items
  • View Nearby police stations
  • Access Vehicle tickets (Traffic EPS tickets)
  • Missing persons

The report crime feature helps the public to report crimes to police using smartphones regardless of the time and location.

The lost and found feature can be used to view all recovered items under police custody, for example, national IDs, bags, and any other belongings that may be under police custody.

The Nearby stations help one to show police stations that are closest to you across the country. With this function, you can make a call directly from the App. It has the following contacts; counter phones, DPC, OC station, OC CID, and OC Traffic.

The vehicle tickets feature allows anyone to check whether a vehicle has any pending EPS tickets at a free cost. This saves us the fees associated with MTN, Airtel, etc telecom providers.

The missing person feature helps people to be reunited with their families in case they can’t trace their way back.

How to download, install and use UPF Mobi app

The next time you think about checking EPS traffic fines, viewing lost and found belongings, seeing missing persons, reporting an ongoing crime, or even locating a nearby police post, or police station, refer to this app and download the UPF Mobi.

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