Alright, you have been looking forward to increasing your Windows Operating System Virtual or Paging memory due to the continuous prompts by your machine alerting you how the memory is low? Do you run Windows XP, 7, 8 or another version? No worry, this post will help you get through that headache you are getting since your computer by default has a way you can do that without the need to hire an expert.
All you need is to read this entire post and make sure that you follow the recommendations as provided. The paging file/low virtual memory tends to occur on many occasions most likely when you appear to be over load your machine for example in situations when you load multiple tasks at the same time ie, playing music, surfing multiple pages on net, having Skype in the background and so many others.
In case you are one with such problems, below is how you can get rid of it – a way to increase or swap or change your Virtual memory.
Procedures = = = Windows 8
- Power on your machine and open all programs.
- Go to Control panel and then systems and security.
- Go to system and then to advanced system setting.
- Open properties, advanced and then settings.
- Click change, paging file settings and follow prompts.
Procedures = = = Others
- Go to advanced, settings and performance.
- Advanced, virtual memory and then Change.
- Click the drive you want to change, go to Paging file size for selected drive and add the new size of your choice.
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