List Of Countries Under The European Union / EUROPA / EU Member States

So many of you out there have asked me the question of those list of countries which fall under the European Union. And as a response to you more especially those who were interested to know this especially on the Google Adsense EU Cookie law website and Blog integration, I have once again compiled the EUROPA member state list and which is what I am sharing with you below.

You should firstly try to note that note all countries of the world are under the European Union. Others fall under different entities just the same as we humans have different likes, dislikes and interests which makes us desire so different things in our daily life. The same applies to the different countries where others made their choices to join he EU community while others are not yet while others are on their way.

Joining the European Union is not as easy as many think. Its a process which starts from an interested country sending in its application for review and consideration and immediately starts to do things as per the EUROPA requirements and standards.

Therefore, for those of you who want to determine whether your Blogs and websites have traffic from country in European Union, here is the list. And if you ever received traffic from such a country, then of course you need to implement the EU Cookie Law as required by Google Adsense – for sites which have Adsense Ads enabled on them..

List of European Union / EU / EUROPA Member Countries and States

This list included the year of entry of a given country as seen below.

Austria (1995), Belgium (1958), Bulgaria (2007), Cyprus (2004), Croatia (2013), Czech Republic (2004), Denmark (1973), Estonia (2004), Finland (1995), France (1958), Germany (1958), Greece (1981), Hungary (2004), Ireland (1973), Italy (1958), Latvia (2004), Lithuania (2004), Luxembourg (1958), Malta (2004), Netherlands (1958), Poland (2004), Portugal (1986), Romania (2007), Slovakia (2004), Slovenia (2004), Spain (1986), Sweden (1995) and the United Kingdom (1973)

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